Rainy Day Activity: Design a Dress

Of course, my top recommendation for a rainy day with no school is to come shopping at Sachi (after a quick stop at Starbucks). But we’re only open from 10 to 6, so here’s a fun thing to do when you’re not here with us.

Fashion + Coding = Awesomesauce

Made with Code has a new project where you get to design a Zac Posen dress with animated LED lights. Here’s an example of a quick one we did for demo:

Made with Code Fashion

Go here to make your own!

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DIY Tuesday: Coding!

Hey there, Sachi Girls! Today’s post brings you a fun link from Made with Code: the Accessorizer. Make your own wacky picture using the specialized coding tools. Here’s the funny picture we made:




Want more fun ways to accessorize? Come by Sachi to pick out your own selection of jewelry, scarves, bags and more! Take a wacky picture and share it under #SachiAccessorized – we can’t wait to see what you put together.

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Light Up a Holiday Tree!

This holiday season, Made with Code is sponsoring the national holiday trees in Washington, D.C.  You can program a tree’s lighting sequence and watch it come to life!  Sachi’s light sequence will light up the Tennessee holiday tree on December 8th at 5:18pm Central Time.  See the GIF below for a preview, or click this link to watch it live.
Go HERE to program your own tree!

Sachi used Made with Code and so can you!

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